WordPress wp-admin 404 Error

When I came back from my vacation last week, I found that I can no longer log on to the wp-admin of my site. I was freaked out at first and I thought the site got compromised or something. Google search did not find anything useful.

I finally contacted my hosting company, Blue Host, for support. They fixed my problem quickly. The culprit is the Supercache plugin. The plugin created rewrites on the .htaccess file. One of the rewrites caused the domain to redirect to a 404 error instead of loading the wp-admin page.

Earlier I had some issues with Blue Host’s support, but after this incident I am a loyal customer again.

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  1. I’ve found that Bluehost has pretty decent customer service. I have a few of my websites over there and have had some pretty good service. Unlike Hostgator where I keep getting these issues where my websites are infected with Trojan Horses which is in some cases shutting my businesses down.

  2. I know this is pretty old, but I’m having the same problem and would handle it myself if possible. Do you know what the change was on your .htaccess file?

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