One CentOS 6 Linux server got the newest Samba 3.6.23-30 update last week. This is a critical update to fix the Badlock bug. After applying the update, we had some machines which could not connect to the Samba service any more. All the machines in the same Active Directory are fine, but other machines could not connect any more.
It turns out the new version of Samba introduced a new option and changed the behaviors of some other options. I tried to play around with the options, but I still could not get it to work with some clients. I finally downgraded the client using the following command.
yum downgrade samba-common samba-winbind samba-winbind-clients samba-client samba samba-doc samba-domainjoin-gui libsmbclient
I also changed the /etc/yum.conf file to add this line to prevent yum from updating it again.
Note that this is only a workaround. I’ll update the post again once I find out how to modify the smb.conf to work with the new version of Samba.
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