How to Install Omreport on a CentOS 7 PowerEdge Server

We recently had a problem with a hard drive in one server. The drive is part of a RAID. After reseat the drive, the server boots up Ok. I wanted to monitor the disk status, but additional software is required. I learned that you can use omreport to do it. However, omreport is not in the default repositories. The Dell repository has to be added first. Here are the steps to get omreport.

  • Add the Dell’s repository
    curl -O
    sudo bash bootstrap.cgi
  • Install srvadmin-all package
    sudo yum install srvadmin-all
  • Create a symbolic link
    sudo ln -s /opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omreport /usr/local/sbin/omreport
  • Run omreport to check the disks
    omreport storage vdisk
    omreport storage pdisk controller=0

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