Pika Labs Text-to-Video Optional Parameters with Examples

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, the ability to transform mere words into captivating visual narratives has become a coveted skill. Pika Labs, at the forefront of innovation, has introduced a game-changing feature in its text-to-video platform that promises to revolutionize the way we tell stories: optional parameters.

Imagine a tool that not only empowers creators to craft stunning videos from text but also offers the flexibility to tailor every frame and transition according to their unique vision. Pika Labs’ optional parameters feature achieves just that, unleashing a new realm of creative possibilities for content producers worldwide.

In this article, we will dive deep into the world of optional parameters within Pika Labs’ text-to-video platform, exploring their significance, functionality, and the incredible impact they have on the storytelling process. Join us on a journey through the art of visual storytelling and discover how optional parameters are reshaping the way we bring ideas to life through the lens of Pika Labs’ cutting-edge technology.

The following text is from Pika Labs discord channel. I edited the example prompt and added videos.


Parameter:    -camera ##
Use for:    Directing the camera movement in your video clip
Accepts:  zoom OR pan OR rotate only one of these can be used at a time, they cannot be stacked
ZOOM: zoom in OR zoom out
/create prompt:  a beautiful lake -camera zoom in
PAN: pan up OR pan down OR pan left OR pan right panning in two non-conflicting directions is accepted eg: pan up left OR pan down right
/create prompt: a beautiful castle -camera pan right -camera pan right
ROTATE: rotate clockwise OR counterclockwise OR anticlockwise abbreviations are accepted cw OR ccw OR acw
/create prompt:  a perfect triangle -camera rotate cw -camera rotate clockwise

/create prompt: a propeller -camera rotate acw


Parameter:    -fps ##
Use for:    Adjusting the frames per second, the higher, the more smoother your video
Accepts:    Numbers  between 8-24 (default is 24)
/create prompt: a girl running -fps 24
/create prompt: a girl running -fps 16
/create prompt: a girl running -fps 8


Parameter:    -motion #
Use for:    Adjusting the Strength of motion
Accepts:    Number between 0~4 (default is 1)
/create prompt: windmill by a river, wind blowing -motion 0
/create prompt: windmill by a river, wind blowing -motion 4


Parameter:    -gs ##
Use for:    Adjusting the Guidance scale, the higher, the more related to text
Accepts:    Numbers recommend between 8-24 (default is 12)
/create prompt: A vibrant, candy-filled forest in the world of ghibli characters. The trees are made of cotton candy, the rivers flow with rainbow sherbet, and lollipops grow like flowers. It's a sunny day, and the scene is filled with playful, ghibli-style characters -gs 8
/create prompt: A vibrant, candy-filled forest in the world of ghibli characters. The trees are made of cotton candy, the rivers flow with rainbow sherbet, and lollipops grow like flowers. It's a sunny day, and the scene is filled with playful, ghibli-style characters -gs 24


Parameter:    -neg xxx
Use for:    Negative prompting unwanted words, what you don’t want the video to have
Accepts:    words
/create prompt: this is an example of a prompt -neg words letters signs


Parameter:    -ar #:#
Use for:    Adjusting aspect ratio –  The width:height of a video,
Accepts:    Number:Number e.g.:16:9, 9:16, 1:1, 4:5 (default is 1024:576)
/create prompt: this is an example of a prompt -ar 16:9
Note: Pika bot will also infer the aspect ratio from your attached image


Parameter:    -seed ###
Use for:    More consistent generation. Currently fixing seed ONLY guarantees consistency when both prompt and negative prompt are unchanged
Accepts:    Numbers (default is random)
/create prompt: this is an example of a prompt -seed 123456789
Note: seed number of a generated video can be found at the end of its file name

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