How to Use ChatGPT to Write Flux.1 Prompts in T5 Style with an Input Image

In the world of AI and creative content generation, using advanced tools like Stable Diffusion models, particularly Flux.1, offers incredible opportunities to create stunning visuals. One of the key aspects of harnessing the full potential of these models is crafting the right prompts. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use ChatGPT to write prompts for the Flux.1 model in T5 style, utilizing an input image as inspiration.

TL;DR – Attach an image to ChatGPT and ask ChatGPT to “write a detailed sd prompt in t5 style”

Understanding Flux.1 and T5 Style

Flux.1 is a Stable Diffusion model known for its ability to generate detailed and high-quality images. However, it can be resource-intensive and requires carefully crafted prompts to produce the best results. T5 style, based on Google’s T5 (Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer) model, refers to a text-based approach where the input and output are both text, allowing for a wide range of tasks, from translation to creative writing. Flux.1 uses T5 as one of its text encoders. Writing your prompt in T5 style will produce better generation results.

Step 1: Preparing Your Input Image

Before you begin writing your prompt, you’ll need to select an input image that serves as the inspiration for the generated content. The image can be anything from a photograph to a digital artwork. The key is to choose an image that aligns with the type of content you want to generate.

Step 2: Analyzing the Image with ChatGPT

Once you have your image, you can use ChatGPT to analyze and describe it. Start by providing a brief description of the image to ChatGPT, including key elements such as colors, subjects, and overall mood. For example:

Input Description: “A serene beach scene with a bright blue sky, golden sands, and gentle waves lapping the shore. A lone figure is seen walking in the distance.”

ChatGPT can then expand on this description, generating a more detailed and vivid narrative that captures the essence of the image.

Step 3: Crafting the Prompt in T5 Style

Using the descriptive analysis provided by ChatGPT, the next step is to structure the prompt in T5 style. The T5 model typically uses a format where the task is clearly defined, followed by the input text. For Flux.1, the task involves guiding the AI to generate an image that matches the description.

Here’s how you can structure the prompt:

T5-Style Prompt Example:

Task: Generate a serene beach scene.
Input: A bright blue sky with golden sands and gentle waves lapping the shore. A lone figure is seen walking in the distance, creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere.

Step 4: Refining the Prompt

While the initial prompt may yield good results, you may need to refine it to better match your vision. ChatGPT can help by suggesting additional details or variations that enhance the prompt. For example, you can ask:

Refinement Request: “Can you add more emphasis on the lighting and the figure’s movements?”

This refinement might lead to a more specific prompt:

Refined Prompt Example:

Task: Generate a serene beach scene with soft, golden sunlight casting long shadows.
Input: A bright blue sky, gentle waves, and golden sands. A lone figure walks slowly in the distance, their movements graceful and relaxed, embodying a sense of tranquility.

Step 5: Using the Prompt with Flux.1

Once your prompt is ready, you can input it into the Flux.1 model to generate the image. Keep in mind that Flux.1 may require some tweaking and experimentation, so don’t hesitate to adjust the prompt or try different variations until you achieve the desired result.


All the input images were downloaded from The output images were generated using  flux1-dev-Q8_0.gguf. 5 images were generated for each prompt and I picked the one I like the most.

Input image:

ChatGPT generated prompt:

Generate a close-up portrait of a mysterious, gothic woman with a dark and intense gaze. She has long, straight black hair and is adorned with intricate silver jewelry, including rings with black gemstones and a large, ornate pendant necklace. Her pale skin contrasts with the dark, moody atmosphere. The woman is dressed in a black, lace outfit that complements her gothic style. The lighting is low and dramatic, emphasizing the details of her face and the texture of her clothing and jewelry, creating an enigmatic and alluring image.

Flux.1 generated image:

Input image:

ChatGPT generated prompt:

Generate an epic, action-packed scene in a vast desert where a fierce warrior in ancient armor confronts a massive, terrifying sand creature. The warrior is clad in metallic, battle-worn armor, raising his fist in a stance of defiance. The sand creature, towering over the warrior, has a skeletal, monstrous appearance with gaping jaws and is emerging from a whirlwind of sand. The environment is chaotic, with sand swirling around them, creating a dynamic and intense atmosphere. The lighting is dramatic, with sunlight piercing through the dust, highlighting the struggle between man and beast.

Flux.1 generated image:

Input image:

ChatGPU generated prompt:

Create a close-up of a human eye with extreme detail, where the reflection in the eye’s pupil vividly displays a catastrophic scene of a massive explosion occurring in a distant cityscape. The explosion forms a large mushroom cloud, glowing intensely with fiery orange and yellow hues. The city below the explosion appears dark and ominous, with the tall buildings outlined against the burning sky. The surrounding environment outside the eye should be slightly blurred, focusing attention on the eye’s reflection and the apocalyptic event within it. The overall atmosphere should evoke a sense of awe and impending doom.

Flux.1 generated image:


Using ChatGPT to craft Flux.1 prompts in T5 style is a powerful way to enhance your creative process. By leveraging the detailed analysis and descriptive capabilities of ChatGPT, you can create prompts that guide the Flux.1 model to produce stunning, high-quality images. Remember, the key is to be specific and experiment with different prompts until you find the perfect match for your vision.

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